Press Release, Friends of Birds Hill Park Adopts Cedar Bog Trail in Birds Hill Provincial Park >>
In 2008, Friends surveyed members to identify initiatives of interest. Among the most supported was the concept of an Adopt-a-Trail program. The board investigated an Adopt-a-Trail initiative within Birds Hill Park and subsequently agreed that such a program could achieve a number of strategic objectives including:
- Safe and well-groomed trails through volunteer assistance with monitoring and maintenance
- A trail designed to allow public appreciation of a unique natural area within the Park while safeguarding its ecosystem
- Introduction and enhancement of selective trail amenities through a public fundraising campaign
- Provide a launch for the development of Friends’ first educational/interpretive resource
As a pilot program, FoBHP adopted the Cedar Bog Trail, as it is the most heavily used interpretive trail and is in an ecologically sensitive area with a unique biosphere. Last October, Friends hosted a Guided Walk of Cedar Bog Trail to introduce the program to members of the public. The Guided Walk provided participants the opportunity to learn about the history of this unique ecosystem and wonder at the flora and fauna found in the bog.